UK Parliament Week

Tuesday morning’s assembly was led by Year 6 pupils in recognition of one of the Core British Values – ‘Democracy’.

UK Parliament Week was celebrated debating the motion : ‘This House believes children should have access to all social messaging platforms’. The Speaker, Dara, ensured the event ran to time and that all pupils were respectful and had the opportunity to give their opinions. The Tellers, Rohan and Aman, were briskly efficient with their instructions to the rest of the House (Reception-Year 8 pupils), and the votes were tallied as they exited via their chosen door. The tension grew in the hall as the outcome of the vote was eagerly anticipated by both sides.

The Motion was carried by 3 votes – greeted by the cheering victors and sportingly acknowledged by the losers. It was great to see the Year 6 pupils leading the event confidently, and equally managing to secure such a balanced debate and narrow result!